You can select multiple mods with Ctrl+click. To uninstall a mod select its folder in the “Installed Mods” list and press “Uninstall Mods” button.Locate your unpacked mod folder and press “OK” to start the process. To install a mod, download it from Nexus, unpack it and then press “Install Mod” button.When using the tool for the first time you need to set up a path to the witcher3.exe file (TW3 executable) by pressing “Browse” button and browsing through your games library.You can then pin the program to your toolbar or create a desktop icon for quick access. The tool itself does not require installing- download “Witcher 3 Mod Installer and Uninstaller” package from Nexus, unpack it (with 7zip, for example) and run the “Witcher 3 Mod Installer” executable.“Install Multiple Mods” feature also works, but I found it less stable than one-by-one installation. Fully deletes the mod, including its custom menus and hotkeys.Auto-detects and installs default user settings and hotkey definitions (auto-detects and skips already initialized entries).

Auto-detects and installs DLCs (not 100% reliable yet, fails to detect a DLC sometimes).Right now the tool works almost perfectly when installing a single mod (Install Mod button) and offers such great features as: Witcher 3 Mod Installer/Manager is a GUI tool for installing and managing TW3 mods by stefan3372. Kudos to stefan3372 and his awesome Witcher 3 Mod Installer/Manager. Wonderful news for everyone: installing and managing TW3 mods just became much easier! And I mean much: installing a complex mod with custom menus and hotkeys is now as simple as pressing just one button.