Open activate.sqf which is located in /arma3/MPMissions/Altis_Life.Altis/AdminTool.ġ.1 Replace "Deine Player ID Hier" / "Your Player ID here" with your player ID. Unzip the archive and upload the whole MPMissions folder via FTP into the /arma3 folder.ġ.

Please download the archive mentioned above.Important notice: Please create a backup of all files which are going to be changed.This link contains all files needed to run the script: Note: This tool was created by a Nitrado user! If you have questions and/or request, please word them in the official thread:

This article will provide a explanation of how to embed an Admin Tool into your server. This article was tested with ArmA 3: Altis Life (Version 3.1.2 by Tonic).